Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What is Goal Setting?

Goal Setting

Goal setting in broad terms is the process of deciding on something you want, planning how to get it, and then working towards the objective.

Goal setting is not wishing or dreaming. It is something that is progressively worked towards. Goal setting is a process, it is not something that decided on a whim.

Importance of goal setting

Goals can help a person stay focused and maintain motivation to maintain certain activities required to achieve a goal, such as exercising to lose weight or saving money to buy a certain item. Goals can help direct behavior and define a person's priorities, report educators at the University of Illinois Department of Disability and Human Development. Setting goals breaks down the process needed to achieve a specific outcome.

Although the outcome is the desired result, the significance of goals is apparent every day as the person with the plan has clear direction. The final outcome is less overwhelming when broken down into manageable steps outlined in a plan. Goals that are made public also can produce positive reinforcement and encouragement from others.

The effects of goals can help a person focus on the important details needed to be accomplished. Distractions are easily dismissed when seen in light of the ultimate goal. Writing down goals clarifies priorities to keep the person on track. Activities not related to the goal can be eliminated or postponed. The effects of setting goals can empower a person to believe in the outcome and maintain a positive attitude while in the process of achieving that goal. A seemingly large feat can be broken down into specific manageable steps.

By taking the time to set goals, priorities and personal desires are defined. The goal-setting process requires people to consider their lives and what's important. Goal-setting can provide meaning when life seems fruitless; it fuels dreams and ideals. When setting goals, one must take into consideration other people and how they might be affected, how the goal will be achieved and what kinds of resources are available to make it happen.

It's important to set goals that are achievable, report doctors at the Association for Applied Sports Psychology. Moderate goals often are better to write down than very difficult goals because achieving a goal can motivate a person to continue making further goals. Goals should be measurable and specific and hold the true potential of being achieved.
source: http://www.livestrong.com/article/113768-importance-setting-goals/

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