Thursday, October 25, 2012

How Affirmations Work and the Power of Intention?

The simple explanation for how affirmations work is that our universe works in a very specific way. In order to make something happen in the physical universe, you first have to have the thought or consideration that you want that thing to happen. Think about it. Before you make a phone call or pet your dog or kiss your baby you have to decide that you’re going to do that. Affirmations are the decisions that you make to have something happen. They must be there in order for you to then begin the process of making whatever you want to happen in the physical universe actually happen.

To put it another way. Affirmations are simply you being in control of your thoughts, declaring to the universe what you want to be true. And when you want it to be true, it will be true because that is your intention.
The Power of Intention
Intention is the power behind affirmations. When you assert something to be true, it is true because your intention makes it true.
Webster’s dictionary defines intention as the “conception of a thing formed first by the direct application of the mind to the individual object, idea or image.” This is what we were just talking about. You have to have the conception of a thing in your mind, you must have the intention to make something happen before it actually happens.
A good example of this is when I decided I wanted to be an author. I put the intention out the universe and things happened very quickly. The people circumstances and events lined up beautifully.
When you have an affirmation and back it with intention, you become an unstoppable force. Give it a try and see what happens. You will be pleasantly surprised!


What is Affirmation?

Affirmations, really, are simple. They are you being in conscious control of your thoughts. They are short, powerful statements. When you say them or think them or even hear them, they become the thoughts that create your reality. Affirmations, then, are your conscious thoughts.
Research has shown that we have between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day. That’s about 150 to 300 thoughts a minute. Research has also shown that for most people 80% of those thoughts are negative.
Now, we have been taught to think that most of these 51,000 thoughts are “sub-conscious” thoughts meaning that they are below our conscious awareness level. Affirmations actually make your sub-conscious thoughts conscious. Affirmations make you consciously aware of your thoughts. When you start making conscious positive thoughts, you actually become more aware of the negative thoughts that are always threatening to take over.
It’s an interesting phenomenon, really. It actually proves true what your mother always warned: be careful of what you think because what you think is what you get. She was basically telling you that you create what you think about.
When you’re not aware of your thoughts, they tend to be negative. And not being aware of your thoughts tends to cause a nasty spiral downward. Remember that 80% figure of negative thoughts? It gets worse. Whatever you are thinking about, 90% gets carried over to the next day’s 51,000 thoughts. So, if you’re thinking negative thoughts, you will cause yourself to think more negative thoughts. This is not going to get you out of your rut.
Affirmations can change all of that! Affirmations make you conscious of your thoughts. To affirm means to say something positively. It means to declare firmly and assert something to be true. Affirmations are statements where you assert that what you want to be true is true.
Here are some affirmations you can use:
I am a success in all that I do
I feel happy, I feel healthy, I feel terrific
Everything feels just so right
I am a money Magnet
My mind is clear focused and energized

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Inspiring Messages

Inspiring Message : Real Treasure To Be Found

Real Treasure To Be Found

If you're always chasing happiness, it will never be able to find you. Relax, simply give happiness a place to live in you, and it will be in great abundance.

When you put conditions on enjoyment, it turns into just another chore. Let go, and sincerely enjoy the miracle that is your life as it comes to you in each moment.

If you become overly attached to specific results, you set yourself up for disappointment and disillusionment. Be ambitious, yet do not be your ambition.

Sometimes, when things fail to go the way you planned, they turn out better than you could have possibly expected. Welcome life's surprises and choose to see the positive value that is in each one of them.

Don't be too quick to place judgments on the people, situations and events in your life. In everything that comes along, there is an opportunity for you to more fully discover and express your true purpose.

Be open to whatever life brings your way. There is real treasure to be found in it all.
- Author Unknown

Great Inspiring Message
Sometimes in life, you find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.

Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop;

Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.

Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.
- Unknown

Inspiring Messages

"One man's obsession"
"Will lead to his destruction"

"Criticism is good"
"But too much of it, will ruin the mood"

"Short minded people are making a fool of themselves"

"Thoughtfulness is being noticed"
"But never appreciated"

"God has given you everything"
"It's up to you to use each thing"

"If you think that you're above everyone"
"You're defying reality"

"Your determination"
"Will lead you to your destination"

"Your heart is a part of you"
"Why won't you use it as a part of your existence"

"A sign of progress"
"Will lead to success"

- Author Unknown

5 Facts About Goal Setting

These practical tips on goal setting can help make it easier to set and reach goals:
1.  Specific, realistic goals work best. When it comes to making a change, the people who succeed are those who set realistic, specific goals. "I'm going to recycle all my plastic bottles, soda cans, and magazines" is a much more doable goal than "I'm going to do more for the environment." And that makes it easier to stick with.
2.  It takes time for a change to become an established habit. It will probably take a couple of months before any changes — like getting up half an hour early to exercise — become a routine part of your life. That's because your brain needs time to get used to the idea that this new thing you're doing is part of your regular routine.
3.  Repeating a goal makes it stick. Say your goal out loud each morning to remind yourself of what you want and what you're working for. (Writing it down works too.) Every time you remind yourself of your goal, you're training your brain to make it happen.
4.   Pleasing other people doesn't work. The key to making any change is to find the desire within yourself — you have to do it because you want it, not because a girlfriend, boyfriend, coach, parent, or someone else wants you to. It will be harder to stay on track and motivated if you're doing something out of obligation to another person.
5.  Roadblocks don't mean failure. Slip-ups are actually part of the learning process as you retrain your brain into a new way of thinking. It may take a few tries to reach a goal. But that's OK — it's normal to mess up or give up a few times when trying to make a change. So remember that everyone slips up and don't beat yourself up about it. Just remind yourself to get back on track.


What is Goal Setting?

Goal Setting

Goal setting in broad terms is the process of deciding on something you want, planning how to get it, and then working towards the objective.

Goal setting is not wishing or dreaming. It is something that is progressively worked towards. Goal setting is a process, it is not something that decided on a whim.

Importance of goal setting

Goals can help a person stay focused and maintain motivation to maintain certain activities required to achieve a goal, such as exercising to lose weight or saving money to buy a certain item. Goals can help direct behavior and define a person's priorities, report educators at the University of Illinois Department of Disability and Human Development. Setting goals breaks down the process needed to achieve a specific outcome.

Although the outcome is the desired result, the significance of goals is apparent every day as the person with the plan has clear direction. The final outcome is less overwhelming when broken down into manageable steps outlined in a plan. Goals that are made public also can produce positive reinforcement and encouragement from others.

The effects of goals can help a person focus on the important details needed to be accomplished. Distractions are easily dismissed when seen in light of the ultimate goal. Writing down goals clarifies priorities to keep the person on track. Activities not related to the goal can be eliminated or postponed. The effects of setting goals can empower a person to believe in the outcome and maintain a positive attitude while in the process of achieving that goal. A seemingly large feat can be broken down into specific manageable steps.

By taking the time to set goals, priorities and personal desires are defined. The goal-setting process requires people to consider their lives and what's important. Goal-setting can provide meaning when life seems fruitless; it fuels dreams and ideals. When setting goals, one must take into consideration other people and how they might be affected, how the goal will be achieved and what kinds of resources are available to make it happen.

It's important to set goals that are achievable, report doctors at the Association for Applied Sports Psychology. Moderate goals often are better to write down than very difficult goals because achieving a goal can motivate a person to continue making further goals. Goals should be measurable and specific and hold the true potential of being achieved.

Welcome to my Blog!

First of all, thanks for visiting my blog!

The greatest contribution one can make to the world is to grow in self awareness, self-realization, and the power to manifest our own heartfelt dreams and desires. The next greatest thing one can do is to help others do the same.

So, I would like to do small contribution through my blog by sharing knowledge and experiences  to you all on how we can live  our highest vision.

I will post the different inspirational/motivational stories, poems, articles, and quotes collected from different sources and my own in this blog so that everyone can energize oneself to live a great life and also be able to energize and empower others by sharing the knowledge and experiences they achieved.

So, let's inspire self and others!!!!!!